The Concept 2 SkiErg may offer one of the most grueling workouts around. Built as a cross-country skiing ergometer, the SkiErg provides the user with a full-body workout that hits legs, core, and arms. Veteran skier, cross-country enthusiast, or workout warrior the SkiErg will provide you with an efficient workout that gets the heart pumping! Similar to the Concept 2 Rower, the SkiErg is equipped with a sophisticated PM5 digital display with Bluetooth technology, as well as an air-driven flywheel to control for resistance. But how do you use it? 

To start, position your feet 18-24 inches away from the flywheel. The taller you are, the further away you’ll want to be, but this will take some testing to find the right placement for you. Next, grasp the handles with the flat portion against the bottom of your hand for maximal points of contact. Then, using your legs and torso, begin the drive and follow through with your arms. Unlike the Concept 2 rower, your arms should be bent about 30-90 degrees (depending on who you talk to) throughout the pull. Finish the drive with your hands by your pockets, then return your arms, while extending your legs and torso back to the start position and repeat. Over, and over, and over again. 

Watch our full demo video below to become a pro in no time! 

For more information on how to use the Concept 2 Ski Erg, drop your questions in the comments section.